Saturday, 25 August 2012

FarmVille VIP: Cash for Coins

Most of you would have noticed the 'Join' icon under the Farm Cash.This is for you to join the FarmVille VIP Programme and exchange Coins for Farm Cash. A hand full of Serenity Members have asked me what this is and is it worth the $10 (USD) and all i could say was i don't know. But that's not the Serenity way. I have joined the VIP Cash for Coins to find out everything you need to know so you can make up your mind to Join or not to Join and in my oppinion, Yes. A $10 (USD) Game Card pays 55 Farm Cash and Cash for Coins wil give you upto 120 Farm Cash.

When you 1st click the 'Join' icon you will get 2 Farm Cash instantly then you will get a pop-up for you to join the Cash for Coins VIP programme.
When you join the VIP Cash for Coins Programme you can exchange Coins for Farm Cash upto 120 Farm Cash every month. To get the full 120 Farm Cash you will need 14,500,000 Coins. When you have got your Farm Cash you have 1 Month to use it all otherwise you will lose it when it comes up for you next subscription payment which will automatically be taken from your Credit Card, Bank or Pay Pal.

Below are Screen Shots of the process with a little bit of commentry.

When you click to subscribe you will have to enter your Credit Card/ Bank Card details.
As you can see you can claim upto 120 Farm Cash a month which is amazing value considering a $10 Game Card pays 55 Farm Cash.
BUT the only catch I can see is you must use all of the 120 Farm Cash or, at the end of your 30 days you will loose your Farm Cash and your Cash for Coins will start over.
As you can see above it cost me a total of $11.50 USD, this is due to our taxes and will be different from Country to Country.
Subscription is now complete. When you reload your farm the 'Join' icon will now say 'Claim'
Click on claim and you will be prompted with a new pop-up
Click on all 16 'Trade' boxes to exchange Coins for Cash.
You will need a total of 14,500,000 Coins to recieve the full 120 Farm Cash.